Once one gets beyond the polemics and clichés, there is a huge amount that could be learned from an honest discussion about the mass murders in Norway… Continue reading
Two weeks ago, a motley group of youngish people set up a “tent city” in the high-end Tel Aviv Rothschild Boulevard to protest the… Continue reading
Things are looking good for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the grandfather of all Islamist groups… Continue reading
Daryush Rezaee-Nejad, 35, who died Saturday, July 23, when two motorcyclists shot him in the head and throat in front of his home in Tehran… Continue reading
As I predicted in early February, it is now clear that Egypt no longer tries seriously to stop weapons and terrorists and money from flowing into… Continue reading
I don’t think this terrorist attack in Norway was a jihadist conspiracy nor is this guy a secret Islamist terrorist… Continue reading
With demonstrators back on Tahrir Square in Cairo, Western media outlets once again are focused on the demands of urban protesters… Continue reading
European cities went on terror alert after the Norwegian prime minister’s office in Oslo was rocked Friday, July 22 by huge bomb explosions… Continue reading
Earlier this month I participated in Coptic Solidarity’s Second Annual Conference in Washington D.C… Continue reading
A new video by Ayalon alludes to the point that the mainstream media continually forwards certain basic fabrications of the historical record… Continue reading
The memory of centuries of foreign manipulation and interference is a constant factor in the foreign and domestic policy of modern Iran… Continue reading
Good news from the Middle East is that rarest of all things… Continue reading
It’s truly amazing that literally every day the Obama Administration finds a new way to mess up the Middle East… Continue reading
Never before have Turkey and Latin America been closer than they are at present… Continue reading
Leon Panetta, leaving the CIA directorship post to become secretary of defense, and General David Petraeus, leaving the job of commander… Continue reading
Foreign and defense policies did not figure prominently in the recent general election in Turkey… Continue reading
As I always say, the most important stories about the Middle East are right there on the surface but are nonetheless neglected… Continue reading
Latest Comments
Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....