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Thu, Aug 05, 2010 | IDFSpokesperson

The Blue Line (google maps); the IDF was operating behind the Blue Line on Israeli territory (as confirmed by UNIFIL, the U.N. and the U.S.)

The Blue Line: an internationally recognized border between Israel and Lebanon

The Blue Line is an international border between Israel and Lebanon which was determined by the United Nations after the IDF withdrew from southern Lebanon in 2000.

Aside from some slight differences, this is in fact the line towards which the IDF withdrew upon conclusion of Operation Litani in 1978, according to UN Security Council Resolution 425. From the First Lebanon War until 2000, IDF forces remained beyond this border line. However, upon the Israeli government’s decision for a unilateral withdrawal from southern Lebanon, the IDF forces returned to Israel and remained, with recognition by the UN of a complete withdrawal by Israel to her authorized and legitimate borders.

The Blue Line is a temporary line which has not been mentioned in any official agreements between Israel and Lebanon, and which is based on the international border which was determined by the countries in 1923. That being said, it is recognized as a de facto border between the two countries.

During the Second Lebanon War in 2006, the IDF crossed the Blue Line and operated there for the duration of a month. However, upon completion of the war and the approval of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, IDF withdrew behind the internationally recognized border line.

On Tuesday morning (Aug. 3), IDF forces operated within Israeli territory on the Israeli side of the Blue Line borders, where the IDF has routinely operates in an agreed-upon manner since the end of the Second Lebanon War. Gunshots fired by the Lebanese army towards IDF forces constitute a blatant violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, and an attack on Israeli sovereignty.

4 Comments to “The Blue Line”

  1. The Blue Line #israel #lebanon #idf #un

  2. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: The Blue Line #israel #lebanon #idf #un

  3. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: The Blue Line #israel #lebanon #idf #un

  4. […] Israel’s security cabinet on Wednesday morning approved a plan to withdraw IDF troops from the northern part of Ghajar and to redeploy the troops on the Israeli side [south] of the ‘Blue Line’. […]


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