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[Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center; may 31, 2010] – Portrait of IHH (additional information) 1.

By Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Fighel,2

1. Prominent among the coalition organizations participating in the aid flotilla for the Gaza Strip is the Turkish IHH (Insani Yardim Vakfi, IHH, “humanitarian relief fund”). It is a radical Islamic organization, established in 1992 by a member of the Turkish Refah Party and formally registered in Istanbul in 1995.

2. As far back as 1996, it was identified by the CIA as a radical Islamic humanitarian organization named International Humanitaire Hilfsorganization (IHH) a.k.a International Humanitarian Relief Organization, with its main offices in Zagreb and Sarajevo and headquarters in Germany. The CIA report noted that the organization had connections with extremist groups in Iran and Algeria.

3. The January 1996 CIA report entitled International Islamic NGOs and Links to Terrorism was declassified by the American administration after the September 2001 attacks for use in the government trials of captured Al Qaeda members. The report mentions a large number of Islamic organizations affiliated with radical Islamic groups.

4. The report deals with the charities and their involvement in terrorism during the conflict in Bosnia, where aiding Muslims in distress was an Islamic religious duty. Islamic activists dominate the leadership of the largest charities, and prominent members of some smaller organizations have been identified as extremists. The main objectives of the organizations include proselytizing, helping the needy and defending Muslim communities. Where Muslims are engaged in armed conflict, some Islamic organizations provide military aid as part of a “humanitarian” package.

5. All the major and most of the minor Islamic charities were significant players in the former Yugoslavia, particularly in aiding Bosnian Muslims. Their contributions represented a significant proportion of the humanitarian aid received. According to the US embassy in Riyadh, Saudi nationals alone gave $150 million through Islamic NGOs in 1994. Most of the offices of NGOs active in Bosnia are located in Zagreb, Sarajevo, Zenica, and Tuzla. Their field of operations appears to be confined to the Muslim areas in the northeastern and central parts of the country.

6. The CIA report identified International Humanitaire Hilfsorganization (IHH) as part of 15 organizations employing members or otherwise facilitating the activities of terrorist groups operating in Bosnia. Some Islamic NGOs not included in the list have terrorist connections outside of the Balkans.

7. Some the charities mentioned in the report were designated by the United States as terrorist organizations after the 1998 embassy bombings in Africa, while the majority were designated only after 9/11.

8. IHH is not designated by the USA and was designated by Israel only in 2008 because of its connections with Hamas and its fronts within the Union of Good umbrella organization, which, along with its 36 affiliated associations, was outlawed by Israel.

The IHH as appears in the 1996 CIA report


1 Follow-up to the ITIC May 26, 2010 bulletin, published also here, May 28, 2010; “Humanitarian Aid as a Cover for Anti-Semitism.”

2 Col.(Ret.) Jonathan Fighel is a Senior Researcher in the International Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT), IDC.

14 Comments to “The IHH is a Turkish Radical Islamic Organization and Participated in the Gaza Flotilla”

  1. The IHH is a Turkish Radical Islamic Organization and Participated in the Gaza Flotilla #israel #turkey #gaza #flotilla http://j.mp/bAFOZT

  2. avatar Rem Nant says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: The IHH is a Turkish Radical Islamic Organization and Participated in the Gaza Flotilla http://j.mp/bAFOZT

  3. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: The IHH is a Turkish Radical Islamic Organization and Participated in the Gaza Flotilla #israel #turkey #gaza #flotilla http://j.mp/bAFOZT

  4. RT @CrethiPlethi: The IHH is a Turkish Radical Islamic Organization and Participated in the Gaza Flotilla #israel #turkey #gaza #flotilla http://j.mp/bAFOZT

  5. avatar erhan says:

    it is a lie that IHH is a terrorist organization. IHH is an aid organization which cooperated with United Nations. You can see that fact from UN offical web site. it is web site link is : http://www.unhcr.org.tr/MEP/index.aspx?pageId=169. You can see that IHH is a certified organization by UN in this offical web site of UN .

  6. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by len futterman, Rem Nant. Rem Nant said: RT @CrethiPlethi: The IHH is a Turkish Radical Islamic Organization and Participated in the Gaza Flotilla http://j.mp/bAFOZT […]

  7. avatar george says:

    it is also banned in the us for supplying terrorists money and what not.
    it is helping el kaida who is behind the 9/11 terror attack

  8. avatar erhan says:

    it is a lie. IHH isn’t a terrorist organization. IHH is an aid organization which cooperated with United Nations. You can see that fact from UN offical web site. The web site link is : http://www.unhcr.org.tr/MEP/index.aspx?pageId=169. You can see that IHH is a certified organization by UN in this offical web site of UN.

  9. The proof that the IHH is a radical Islamic organization used as an umbrella-cover for terror activities and with ties to al-qaeda and other terror groups is overwhelming. They have, in the past, supported many jihadists and islamists groups. The IHH is mentioned in counter-terrorism reports in countries like Denmark, France and the United States and also in Turkey.

    The IHH was one of the main organizations that participated in the Gaza Flotilla to break the blockade of Gaza. It’s no surprise that the events that took place during the seizure of the Gaza Flotilla were led by the militant activists on board of the Mavi Marmara (also Bülent Yildirim, the president of the IHH was on this ship).

    They are a radical islamic, anti-western and anti-Israel organization. The fact that they are a certified organization by the UN doesn’t proof the contrary. In fact, it only means that the UN is an anti-Israel body as well.

  10. […] presence on the ship where the soldiers were attacked also has had ties with al-Qaida (see also here) and has been designated as a global terrorst group by the U.S. government. Indeed, in the past […]

  11. […] have you had with the Turkish government? DFM AYALON: This organization is called the IHH. It is well known and its ties with Al-Qaeda, Global Jihad and Hamas are well documented. Its operators and many of […]

  12. […] organized the Flotilla campaign reportedly has ties to radical Islamic groups and have helped and financed travel of militant Muslim fighters from Turkey to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chechnya and Uzbekistan […]

  13. avatar Mina says:


    The ‘Kill the Jews’ boat, I couldn’t care if they have ‘baby-milk’ on board (it matters little since Hamas refuses the aid to enter Gaza, once Israel checks the boat for weapon-smuggling), it still is about hatred and attacking ‘The Jews.’

    Take it from the Islamic-fascist “activists” themselves, their words, not mine, but the CNN won’t quote the most important ‘Kill the Jews’ chants, it will encompass-cover everything with a hypocritical wish-washing “translation” of ‘God is great!’ omitting the genocide call, aim.

    As you know, CNN is simply “reporting” the news, they don’t interpret it, right…

    Meantime, I have counted… I actually stopped counting how many times the CNN reporters repeated the fake term “activists.”

    Bin Talal’s & other Arab advertisers money in CNN at work.

    Remind me again, who controls the media and the UN and Amnesty.

  14. avatar Usiel says:

    ihh is just another islamic (sht) terrorist goup. i`m so proud with our navy..


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    — Ronald Wilson Reagan, Address to the annual meeting of the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce; March 30, 1961

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