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Maandag, 6 December 2010 | The Guardian: Document 1, Document 2 | Bewerkt door Crethi Plethi

De Libanese minister van communicatie Marwan Hamadeh

WikiLeaks: Libanon Informeerde Westen Over Geheim Iraans Hezbollah Communicatienetwerk

De Libanese regering heeft Westerse landen vlak vóór het uitbreken van de straatgevechten tussen het Libanese leger en de Hezbollah-beweging in Beiroet [begin mei 2008] geïnformeerd dat Hezbollah een geheim modern communicatienetwerk, betaald door “Iran Telecom”, gebruikte als onderdeel van hun terroristisch netwerk. Libanon ging er van uit dat Iran bezig was om Libanon over te nemen. Dit blijkt uit de geheime Amerikaanse memo’s op WikiLeaks.

Deze ontdekking in april 2008 gebeurde ten tijde van oplopende spanningen tussen de, door de pro-Westerse Maart 14 Beweging gesteunde, Libanese regering en de door Iran gesteunde sjiitische Hezbollah-beweging. Enkele weken later escaleerden deze spanningen in straatgevechten in de Libanese hoofdstad Beiroet.

Het Amerikaanse document dat als geheim was geclassificeerd — noforn: not-for-foreign-eyes (niet voor buitenlandse ogen) — geeft de regionale en internationale bezorgdheid weer over de instabiele situatie in Libanon en de vrees voor een nieuw conflict met Israël na de oorlog van 2006 tussen Hezbollah en het Israëlische leger.

De nieuwe informatie over het Hezbollah glasvezelnetwerk (FiOS), naar verluidt gefinancierd door Iran, werd onmiddellijk door Libanese ministers doorgegeven aan de VS, Saudi-Arabië en andere landen. De Franse president, Nicolas Sarkozy was “verbijsterd” door de ontdekking, meldde de Amerikaanse ambassade. De Libanese regering wist dat deze informatie ook aan Israël doorgegeven zou worden. Het pro-Iraanse Hezbollah is een geduchte vijand van Israël in Libanon en heeft de hoogste prioriteit bij de Israëlische geheime diensten. Daarnaast werd de informatie gedeeld met Terje Roed-Larsen van de Verenigde Naties, minister van buitenlandse zaken Bernard Kouchner van Frankrijk, met de Saoedische ambassadeur Abdul Aziz Khoja in Beiroet en met de Saudische koning Abdullah and Prins Mukrin bin Abdul-Aziz (chef van de Saoedische inlichtingendiensten). Toenmalig premier Fouad Siniora gaf de informatie door aan Jordanië en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten en aan de secretaris-generaal van de Arabische Liga, Amr Musa. De eersten die in Libanon de informatie van Marwan Hamadeh kregen waren naast de premier Siniora ook Walid Jumblatt, leider van de Druzen en Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, Patriarch van de Maronitische kerk in Libanon.

Het document is één van de vele die in Beiroet gepubliceerd zijn door de linkse krant al-Akhbar als onderdeel van de gelekte Wikileaks documenten. Al-Akhbar schrijft over de contacten tussen de Maart 14 Beweging geleid door de huidige premier Saad al-Hariri en de VS en de Saoedisch. Deze onthullingen leverden weer ontkenningen op over de juistheid van de berichtgeving op WikiLeaks van de genoemde partijen.

In de documenten lezen we dat Marwan Hamadeh, de Libanese minister van communicatie, de Amerikaanse zaakgelastigde in Libanon waarschuwde over de risico’s van een tegenactie nadat Hezbollah meedeelde dat zij elke actie tegen het telecom-netwerk “gelijk aan een Israëlische daad van agressie” zouden beschouwen.

Hiermee dreigde Hezbollah met het ontketenen van een burgeroorlog als de Libanese regering iets zou proberen te ondernemen tegen het netwerk wat helemaal past bij het terroristische karakter van de Hezbollah-beweging. Ze gedragen zich als een parasiet in de Libanese samenleving met als enige doel om een sjiitische staat te vestigen aan de Noordgrens met Israël en daarmee de vernietiging van de Israëlische staat na te streven.

Hamadeh gaf ook informatie over Israëlische en Syrische bemoeienissen met het Libanese mobiele communicatienetwerk.

De ontdekking van het Hezbollah telecom-systeem is in strijd met VN Resolutie 1701, welke de feitelijke beëindiging van de oorlog tussen Israël en Hezbollah inluidde, maar deze resolutie is door Libanon en Hezbollah nooit ten uitvoer gebracht. In deze resolutie staat dat Hezbollah ontwapend zou worden na de oorlog van 2006 met Israël. Hezbollah zei tegen Libanese inlichtingendiensten dat het communicatienetwerk “een essentieel onderdeel van haar arsenaal” was.

De Libanese minister Hamadeh vertelde de Amerikanen dat het netwerk van Beiroet naar het zuiden voorbij de Litani rivier liep en weer terug door de Bekaa vallei naar het verre noorden, inclusief de Palestijnse kampen, Hezbollah trainingskampen en tot diep in christelijke gebieden. Hij noemde het “Iranian Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon” (het Iraanse Fonds voor de wederopbouw van Libanon) als de bron van de financiering. Deze groep was sinds de oorlog van 2006 bezig met wederopbouw van wegen en bruggen en werd beschuldigd van het installeren van telecommunicatie-lijnen parallel met de nieuwe wegen.

Andere gelekte documenten benadrukten de nervositeit van de Libanese regering met betrekking tot de glasvezel-affaire: “Een … openbare aanklacht tegen Hezbollah zou dezelfde vraag oproepen als waarom de regering van Libanon niet de Hezbollah tanks verwijderde met grote militaire risico’s als gevolg voor de Libanese overheid,” meldde de ambassade later.

“Hamadeh ziet het systeem als een strategische overwinning voor Iran, omdat het op die manier voor een belangrijke Iraanse buitenpost in Libanon zorgt en Syrië daarmee omzeilt,” werd door Washington verteld. “Hij ziet vooral een strategische waarde voor de Iraniërs, meer dan een technische of economische waarde. De waarde voor Hezbollah is dat het de laatste stap was in het creëren van een eigen nationale staat” in Libanon. “Hezbollah heeft nu een eigen leger en wapens. Ze hebben een televisiestation, een onderwijssysteem, ziekenhuizen, sociale diensten, een financiële systeem en een telecommunicatie-systeem.”

Ook blijkt uit de documenten dat Hamadeh de Libanese christenen wilde mobiliseren om Hezbollah’s invloed in Libanon terug te dringen ongeacht de risico’s die aan deze operatie kleefden.

Ondertussen schuiven de Arabische regeringsleiders ongemakkelijk heen en weer op hun fluwelen zetels sinds de gelekte WikiLeaks documenten. Nu de ware diplomatieke verhoudingen in het Midden Oosten goed zichtbaar zijn gemaakt door WikiLeaks, verklaard de ene Arabische leider na de andere dat de documenten “verzinsels” zijn. Zo ook Hamadeh, in een reactie op de berichtgeving en de gelekte documenten zegt hij dat het artikel en de Amerikaanse documenten “een verhaal vol laster en verzinsels” zijn en weigerde verder commentaar te geven naar aanleiding van de berichten in de Libanese media.

De Libanese minister van defensie, Elias Murr, meldde volgens andere gelekte documenten aan Amerikaanse functionarissen dat het Libanese leger zich niet zou mengen in een toekomstige Israëlische aanval op Hezbollah posities in Libanon, hoewel Libanon in officiële persberichten altijd de kant van Hezbollah kiest. In een reactie op de berichten zegt een medewerker van de minister, George Soulage, nu dat deze beschuldigingen bedoeld zijn om onrust te veroorzaken. “De informatie die door Wikileaks gelekt is, is niet compleet en is niet correct. Het doel hierachter is om tweedracht te zaaien in Libanon.”

Bron: WikiLeaks

Wednesday, 16 April 2008, 16:42

S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 BEIRUT 000523
EO 12958 DECL: 04/16/2018
Classified By: Charge d’Affaires Michele Sison for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)


1. (S) Requesting a special meeting with Charge, Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamadeh decried the establishment of a complete fiber optics network by Hizballah throughout Lebanon. The GOL has been sharing this information widely among friends of Lebanon, to include the governments of France, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the UAE. Hamadeh sees only two choices for the GOL: approach the UN Security Council, or use the “cover” of March 14-friendly municipalities to cut the lines. However, he questioned whether the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the Internal Security Forces (ISF) have the “guts” to do so, given that Hizballah already stated to Lebanese security officials that it would view this as equal to an Israeli act of aggression, and would then take action against the GOL. Hamadeh hopes that Saad Hariri, now in Geneva, will return soon to Lebanon so that March 14 can meet to formulate a strategy. End summary.



2. (S) &Iran Telecom is taking over the country!8 were the first words out of the mouth of Minister of Telecommunications Marwan Hamadeh when he met with Charge and Econoff on April 16. He was referring to the discovery of a complete fiber optic system (FiOS) installed by Hizballah throughout Lebanon – reftel. In addition, Hizballah has introduced Wi-Max in Beirut’s southern suburbs. Hamadeh pointed out that although Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) television had run a story the previous night about the Hizballah FiOS network, it was already widely known. The LBC story was not planted by the GOL, nor planned, but in Hamadeh’s opinion it was no bad thing to get the story out there. Hamadeh himself has been sharing the news both within the GOL and outside, with &friends,8 which includes the Arab countries, the U.S., France (Sarkozy was &stunned”) and Terje Roed-Larsen of the UN. He briefed Bernard Kouchner, Jean-David Levitte, Boris Bouillon and Michel Barnier while in Paris. In Beirut he spoke to Charge Andre Parent of France and Ambassador Abdul Aziz Khoja of Saudi Arabia. Saad Hariri, when he heard, sent a private plane from Saudi Arabia to pick up a copy of the map, which traces in detail the route of the system, to share with Saudi King Abdullah and Intelligence Chief Prince Mukrin bin Abdul-Aziz. PM Siniora briefed the Jordanians and Emiratis, as well as Arab League SYG Amr Musa on the network during his recent trip around the region, Hamadeh confirmed. Within Lebanon Hamadeh says that the first person he told, after the Prime Minister and Druze leader Walid Jumblatt was Maronite Patriarch Sfeir. Hamadeh described the strategic implications of the Hizballah plan, which he says is targeting the Christian areas, despite a denial of that by Hizballah. In addition to Hamadeh and PM Siniora, Druze leader Walid Jumblatt and Defense Minister Michel Murr have been active in the GL information campaign on the network.



3. (S) While the confrontation over the FiOS system was taking place with Hizballah, mobile telecommunications were being subject to interference by Syria in the north, Israel in the south and possibly by the UN at sea, according to Hamadeh. The information about Israeli interference was passed &unofficially8 by UNIFIL, since, in a recurring complaint by Hamadeh during the conversation, the LAF has not reported any problems officially. The Syrian interference is similar to that occurring during the Nahr al-Barid fighting, and highlights the ability of the Syrians to communicate within Lebanon through non-Lebanese mobile systems. Because the system in the part of Syria bordering on northern Lebanon is a private company, MTM, Hamadeh believes that they offer political cover to the Syrian government, who he nevertheless believes is behind the problem. Hamadeh views these events as part of the same strategic interference in Lebanon, both internally and externally. Hamadeh has a map that delineates

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the interference, in an arc that runs from the north to the south of Lebanon.



4. (S) Hamadeh said that he, the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Elias Murr are all danger, but he and Murr will take the biggest risk in exposing the Hizballah FiOS network. Hamadeh told the PM that he could not assume the risk alone for a showdown with Hizballah. He also used the risk of physical harm as a deterrent with Jumblatt, who wanted to hold a press conference to expose the Hizballah system. Hamadeh believes that this is a March 14 issue, and cannot be resolved without the participation of Saad Hariri. Hamadeh complained that there has not yet been either a March 14 meeting or a cabinet meeting to discuss this matter. He says he asked for such discussions in a meeting with PM Siniora April 15, and will raise it again when they meet April 16. Hamadeh also discussed the issue with Larsen, whom he met with recently in Paris, although he did not give Larsen the map. If the GOL decides to raise the issue with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) he will then provide the map, said Hamadeh.



5. (S) Hamadeh reported that LAF G-2 Brigadier General Georges Khoury and ISF Major General Ashraf Rifi saw Wafiq Safa, the Hizballah liaison to the Lebanese intelligence services, together. Khoury asked Safa to take down two parts of the network as a first step; Safa refused. Safa stated that the network is part of Hizballah’s ability to defend Lebanon, and that Hizballah would regard any attack on the network as an act of aggression. However, PM Siniora only got a written report from Khoury ten days after the meeting, Hamadeh complained. Even then, the report was unsigned and thus returned to Khoury for signature. According to their report, Hizballah argued that the PM, Hamadeh and Murr are only raising the issue of the FiOS system in order to bring up the issue of Hizballah weapons. Safa stated categorically that the FiOS system is not up for discussion because it is a key part of the Hizballah arsenal. Safa freely acknowledged to Rifi and Khoury that the network exists. It could only be discussed as part of a defense strategy, he said, adding that the network has no commercial or trade implications. He maintained that it does not penetrate the Christian areas.



6. (S) Hamadeh believes both Hizballah assertions to be untrue. He refutes the Hizballah claim that the system exists solely to give them defensive communications throughout the country, saying that there are &centrales8 or hubs in many villages along the route, and no doubt these have lines running off to other villages and residences. He also believes that Hizballah crews are only waiting for the snows in the Christian regions of Metn and Kswaran to melt before completing penetration of these regions from the east.



7. (S) To complete the installations and at the same time stay below the radar, Hamadeh says that Hizballah has used the municipalities to issue local permits. For example, in Sidon they are working under the cover provided by Abdel Rahman Bizri, the mayor. In another case the Ministry of Energy issued a permit for work that was &to reinforce energy lines,8 although Hamadeh says that was clearly not true. Hamadeh says that the whole of the Bekaa valley was done with local permits, and installations were done by different groups, each unaware of what the others were doing. However, he also says that some of the work was done with the knowledge of resigned Minister of Energy Fneish, a Hizballah member.



8. (S) The first official report was from the region of

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Chouifat, which reported installation of an unknown fiber optic system, and asked the Minister of the Interior to stop it. No one did anything because, in Hamadeh’s opinion, they &had no guts.8 At the time of the earlier exposure of the Hizballah telephone lines running through Beirut, and even along the wall of the French embassy, the GOL asked Hizballah to remove those lines, which Hizballah did, and Hamadeh said that he believed at the time that would be the end of the network in the south. The full Ministry of Telecommunications report on the system was compiled by engineers in the ministry and othersXXXXXXXXXXXX who Hamadeh believes could be in great danger because of the report. Once again Hamadeh pointed out that there were no official reports yet from ISF Major General Rifi or LAF G-2 Brigadier General Khoury.



9. (S) The current installations, as per the map Hamadeh has given us, shows lines running from Beirut, around both sides of the airport, into the south below the Litani and back up through the Bekaa valley to the far north. It covers the Palestinian camps, and the Hizballah training camps in the Bekaa, and is penetrating deep into the Christian Metn and Ksarwan areas. Although Hamadeh says he has &a few names,8 he did not list the companies who are responsible for the installation, but said that information would be made available shortly. He cited the Iranian Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon as the source of the funding. This same group has been rebuilding roads and bridges since the July 2006 war with Israel, and has been accused before of installing telecommunications lines in parallel with new roads. Hamadeh said that he wants to get the list of companies involved and black list them with the GOL.



10. (S) Hamadeh highlights the system as a strategic victory for Iran, since it creates an important Iranian outpost in Lebanon, bypassing Syria. He sees the value for the Iranians as strategic, rather than technical or economic. The value for Hizballah is the final step in creating a nation state. Hizballah now has an army and weapons; a television station; an education system; hospitals; social services; a financial system; and a telecommunications system. As a sign of its confidence Hizballah official Safa told Khoury and Rifi that any move against the FiOS system would be taken as &an Israeli attack8 and dealt with accordingly. When Khoury and Rifi pointed out that the people in the area might not accept this and might show hostility to Hizballah in this case, Safa replied, &We don’t care; we will accept hostile reactions.8 At that point, according to Hamadeh, the GOL decided it needed to inform its friends and make a decision on the next steps to be taken.



11. (S) Meanwhile, Hamadeh is preparing a &very strong8 internal campaign. This campaign, he said, has the potential to &destroy8 Aoun and mobilize Christians, as well as influence those Shia who are already beginning to worry about Hizballah. He is waiting for a March 14 meeting to discuss this campaign. Saad has apparently traveled to London and Geneva this week, and is expected to be back in Riyadh by 4/20. Saad has been out of Lebanon for some several weeks and it is not known when he will return. Hamadeh sees only two choices for the GOL: approach the UN Security Council directly, or take on Hizballah by cutting lines. But do the Lebanese security forces have the “guts” for that, or are they frightened by Safa’s statement that those actions would be considered an act of aggression, he wonders.

12. (S) Comment: Last year, when Hamadeh’s telecommunications ministry “discovered” the well-known Hizballah telephone system, including the line strung along the wall of the French embassy, he maintained that the GOL would not tolerate the erosion of its “last monopoly” by Hizballah, However, aside from the ceremonial cutting of the French embassy line, there was no further action. This time around, it appears that by sharing as widely as possible the details of the plan, the GOL may hope that someone else will take on the challenge. End cmment.

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Bron: WikiLeaks

Thursday, 01 May 2008, 12:17

S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 BEIRUT 000586
EO 12958 DECL: 04/30/2018
Classified By: Charge d’Affaires a.i. Michele J. Sison for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).



1. (C) March 14 leader Walid Jumblatt questioned the utility of a new UN Security Council resolution on Lebanon if it does not address the border issue with Syria and if it does not contain strong language. He noted that the GOL had not yet agreed on whether an open session on the latest UNSCR 1559 report would be preferable to a closed session. Expressing his disappointment that Speaker Nabih Berri is refusing to meet majority leader Saad Hariri to discuss the National Dialogue, Jumblatt said he remains supportive of holding the Dialogue. He is hesitant about electing a president with a simple majority on May 13. Jumblatt was joined mid-meeting my Justice Minister Charles Rizk, who confirmed that the GOL is preparing to request the UN to extend UNIIIC’s mandate next week. Rizk added that he is extremely concerned about the safety of XXXXXXXXXXXX. End summary.

2. (C) The Charge, accompanied by PolOff, met with Druze leader Walid Jumblatt at his residence in Clemenceau on April 30. Justice Minister Charles Rizk, XXXXXXXXXXXX, Chief Justice Antoine Kheir, and Minister of Displaced Nehme Tohme joined the meeting.



3. (C) Jumblatt questioned whether a new UN Security Council resolution focused on putting the Lebanon-Syria relationship on track (Ref A) would benefit Lebanon. He said that it would need to mention borders, an inclusion which might not have unanimous support. He expressed his fear that any new resolution would have “watered-down” language, and would quickly lose momentum, thereby becoming “obsolete, like past resolutions.” He also was noncommittal about whether the next UN session to discuss the latest UNSCR 1559 report should be open or closed, saying that the GOL had not yet agreed whether it was ready to discuss the border issue with Syria.



4. (C) “It is an injustice that Berri won’t see Saad,” complained Jumblatt. Noting that Sheikh Qabalan, head of the Higher Islamic Shia Council, had urged Berri in a telephone call to meet Saad, Jumblatt said even if Berri agrees, it won’t have the same impact. “They should have met yesterday,” he stated. Nevertheless, Jumblatt continued, you can’t say no to dialogue. Jumblatt said he believes a 13-7-10 cabinet division is “swallowable,” but that he suspects Berri won’t be able to deliver on this because Syria is waiting for the next U.S. administration and for parliamentary elections in Lebanon in hopes that it will be able to secure a more favorable division.

5. (C) Jumblatt stressed that a president must first be elected prior to discussing cabinet formation. Unsure about whether Lebanese Armed Forces Commander Michel Sleiman will accept an election by a simple majority, Jumblatt was silent when asked about March 14’s backup strategy. (Note: Saad’s plan is to go to parliament on May 13 and elect a president, with a simple majority if necessary, Ref B. March 14 members seem to be counting on General Sleiman’s acceptance, though he has not yet indicated his willingness. Jumblatt himself did not appear eager to pursue a simple majority election. End note.)

6. (C) Jumblatt reported that he will not see Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa when Moussa arrives in Beirut

SIPDIS May 1 because he is going to Jordan to see King Abdullah, and then hopes to meet Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abu Gheit. Nonchalant about the value of Moussa’s visit, he said he was hopeful that the Qataris now appear to be siding with March

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14, “slowly but surely.” However, he wondered where French policy stands today.



7. (C) When asked how the USG could best support Lebanon at this juncture, Jumblatt said he was pleased to see the USG’s recent public statements on Syria’s efforts to build nuclear weapons. Jumblatt half-jokingly said that the U.S. should now send the USS Nimitz to intimidate Syria. Jumblatt also suggested U.S. assistance for Lebanese prisons (in response to recent prison riots in Roumieh). Rizk added that a roadmap would be helpful to lay out how the U.S. can best support the Ministry of Justice (in addition to the ongoing $7 million USAID judicial training program).

8. (C) Jumblatt noted that the GOL had yet to receive the $1 billion central bank deposit promised by the Saudis. Minister Tohme opined that the holdup is due to “Saudi culture,” and the best way to get the money would be for Prime Minister Foaud Siniora to send his advisor, Mohammed Chatah, to spend four or five days sitting in Riyadh “to move things along.”



9. (C) Jumblatt said the Special Tribunal was “not enough” to intimidate Syria. Rizk chimed in to acknowledge that work on the Special Tribunal was “frightening to Syria until recently.” Both agreed that Syrian President Bashar Assad won’t care about the Tribunal in a year’s time. Rizk repeated his concerns that UNIIIC Commissioner Daniel Bellemare had stated to some that he “has no case.” Rizk said the U.S. can help by directing Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad to ask the UN SYG to impress upon Bellemare the importance of his role as prosecutor for the Tribunal.

10. (C) Rizk pointed out that Bellemare should not be disassociating UNIIIC from the detention of the four generals suspected of involvement in Rafiq Hariri’s assassination because the blame then falls squarely on XXXXXXXXXXXX

11. (C) The GOL had not yet formally agreed to send a letter to the UNSC requesting a six-month extension of UNIIIC’s mandate, Rizk reported, because the cabinet lacked the necessary quorum at its April 29 meeting. He said he had no doubt that the letter would be approved by the GOL, adding that Siniora had only made one edit to the letter (changing “as soon as possible” to “soon”). Rizk expressed his optimism about the letter’s success at the UNSC because he changed the language to state that the GOL “welcomes” Bellemare as prosecutor, instead of making a request; it’s a letter you can’t say no to, Rizk affirmed.



12. (S) Meanwhile, in a separate conversation on Hizballah’s progress in establishing a fiber optic network, Siniora’s senior advisor Mohammed Chatah told Charge that the network was yet another example of Hizballah’s many infringements against the state. The network could thus not be separated from Hizballah’s military activities. A GOL public accusation against Hizballah would beg the same question as to why the GOL did not remove Hizballah’s tanks, and entailed military risks for the GOL. The UNSC could not remain neutral to reports of increasing illegitimate Hizballah activities, he noted, but the GOL would have to be the one to initiate the accusation. Chatah also said there was no clear strategy within the GOL on how to approach the problem, cited some disagreement between Defense Minister Murr and Telecom Minister Hamadeh.

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3 Comments to “WikiLeaks: Libanon Informeerde Westen Over Geheim Hezbollah Communicatienetwerk”

  1. #WikiLeaks : #Libanon Informeerde Westen Over Geheim #Hezbollah Communicatienetwerk | #cablegate #VS

  2. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: #WikiLeaks : #Libanon Informeerde Westen Over Geheim #Hezbollah Communicatienetwerk | #cablegate #VS

  3. Hi, you should check out It’s sort of like a crowdsourced collection of arguments against Wikileaks. Considering you’re a blogger, i think you’d find it to be an interesting read


Quotes and Sayings

About the Region, Islam and cultural totalitarianism...

    I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men.

    — Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, “Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey,” by Andrew Mango

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