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Released Aug 30, 2011 | WikiLeaks | Edited by Crethi Plethi

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The deputy leader of Egypt’s largest opposition movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, was detained by security forces Monday [February 8, 2010] along with 14 other members in an early morning raid that appeared to be a move to weaken the organization before upcoming Parliamentary elections.

Mahmoud Ezzat, named deputy chief following the January election of Mohamed Badie as the group’s new supreme guide, was taken into custody alongside the Brotherhood’s guidance (politburo) members Essam El Eryan and Abdul Rahman El Bir. Other arrests included members, mostly university professors, from Cairo and other regions.

“At a time when the Egyptians suffer from crude and unjust practices of the ruling regime that is unable to meet the needs of the Egyptian people, widespread corruption rampant throughout the country, underdevelopment and the political stalemate, the decline in services is unprecedented and the inefficiency of alleviating the suffering of all sectors and the solving of problems in all the walks of life is very clear, Egyptians [were] shocked when the Egyptian authorities swooped on the opposition Muslim Brotherhood before dawn on Monday, February 8, 2010, arresting a number of its top leaders,” the group said in a statement released on its English-language website on Monday.

The statement said that the crackdown — reaching deep into the group’s leadership structure — may be an attempt by the government of President Hosni Mubarak to hamper the Brotherhood’s chances ahead of the upcoming elections. Brotherhood leaders have previously said that at least 200 of their members were detained by security forces over the last 15 months.

Read full article here [LATimes]. Text by Amro Hassan in Cairo.

Source: WikiLeaks

Reference Created Classification Origin
10CAIRO197 2010-02-11 16:09 SECRET//NOFORN Embassy Cairo

DE RUEHEG #0197/01 0421609
O 111609Z FEB 10

S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 CAIRO 000197


E.O. 12958: DECL: 2020/02/11
SUBJECT: Egypt: New Round of MB Arrests

REF: 2009 CAIRO 1467; 2009 CAIRO 2183; CAIRO 119

CLASSIFIED BY: Donald A. Blome, Minister Counselor, DOS, Economic and
Political Affairs; REASON: 1.4(B), (D)

¶1. Key Points:

— (U) Three senior leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt including Deputy Supreme Guide Mahmoud Ezzat, Spokesman Essam El Eryan and MB “Mufti” Abdel Rahman El Barr were detained by security forces the morning of February 8 along with twelve other members of the MB.

— (C) According to media reports the group is being held “under investigation” for an initial period of 15-days. MB sources tell us that the group was originally detained, and their homes searched, under the Emergency Law but that their detention will likely be justified under an “investigative file” that will opened to their lawyers next week.

— (C) There are no formal charges against those detained. Media reports indicate that accusations under investigation include membership in a “banned” organization that threatens the “peace and security of the state” and spreading the “extremist ideas” of Sayed Qutb. The detainees are reportedly not cooperating with investigators.

— (C) The arrests come in the lead-up to the 2010 parliamentary elections and during the MB’s own internal elections for its 100-man Shura Council, its legislative body. They also follow recent internal MB elections for a new Guidance Bureau and a new Supreme Guide.

¶2. (S/NF) Comment: Members of the MB’s Guidance Bureau have been arrested several times in recent years. However, the detention of these leading figures, including the newly elected Deputy Supreme Guide, seems to represent an escalation. Most observers here see the move as part of a continuing GOE campaign to suppress the NDP’s only significant political challenge ahead of upcoming parliamentary elections. However, there is some danger that the move could backfire on the government, presenting an already weakened MB in a sympathetic light, and highlighting GOE insecurity ahead of elections.

¶3. (S/NF) Comment Continued: It is unclear how the GOE will handle this case. There is precedent for both the transfer of MB defendants to a military court and jail time in a military prison (as in the 2008 case against Deputy Supreme Guide Khariat El Shatter), and the release of defendants on bail after several months in detention while the investigation against them remains on the books (as in the November 2009 release of Guidance Bureau member Abdel Moneim Al Fotouh). End Comment.

New High Profile MB Arrests

¶4. (C) Three high-ranking members of the MB’s Guidance Bureau (the group’s 16-member administrative body) were detained by State Security forces with twelve other lower ranking members on the morning of February 8. The group includes newly-named Deputy Supreme Guide Mahmoud Ezzat, MB spokesman (one of three recently-named spokesmen for the group) Essam El Eryan, and MB “Mufti” (or religious leader) Abdel Rahman El Barr. A fourth member of the Guidance Bureau, Mohie Hamed, avoided arrest. According to Ikhwanweb, the MB’s English-language website, Hamed has been ordered to appear before the Supreme State Security Prosecutor. One of the twelve other MB detainees arrested along with them has reportedly been transferred to a hospital for heart

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surgery following a heart attack during his arrest. MB sources have reported to the media that those detained have declined to give any statements to investigators. These latest high-profile arrests come amid continued reports of arrests of dozens of rank and file MB members outside of Cairo reportedly as they gather in preparation for elections of the MB’s 100-man Shura Council (the group’s legislative body) scheduled for April 2010.


¶5. (C) No formal charges have been announced by the Public Prosecutor. MB Parliamentary Bloc leader and Spokesman Saad Katatni told PolOff on February 10 that the group was originally detained, and their homes searched, under the Emergency Law (Ref A), but said he expected any “investigation” or “prosecution” would be conducted according to the criminal code. Katatni said lawyers for the detained have been told they will be given access by the Prosecutor to the “investigative file” against the group next Tuesday February 16. According to media reports the group remains in detention “under investigation” for the next 15 days (this can be renewed several times for a period of up to six months by the Prosecutor himself). Charges under investigation include belonging to a “banned” organization that threatens the “peace and security of the state,” a charge commonly made against detained members of the MB. For the first time members of the group have been charged with participation in a faction of the MB that adheres to the “takfiri” or “un-Islamic” doctrine of Sayed Qutb, which deems those who do not follow it “infidels” and thus, according to the Public Prosecutor, supports the formation of a military wing that would carry out armed resistance against the regime. (Note: Qutb was executed by former President Nasser in 1966 for having led an attempt to violently overthrow the regime. Both current Supreme Guide Mohammed Badie and now arrested Deputy Guide Ezzat were detained in 1965 along with Qutb. They were later released by President Anwar Sadat. End Note.)

¶6. (C) There is a precedent for long detentions of MB leaders while “under investigation.” Three other high-ranking members of the MB’s Guidance Bureau, including Dr. Abdel Meneim Al Fotouh, were detained for several months in 2009 while “under investigation.” (Ref B) While all three have been released on bail, the cases against them are still pending (Ref C). (Note: Fotouh was released in November 2009 and subsequently lost his seat on the MB’s Guidance Bureau in December elections (Ref D). End Note).

MB Response

¶7. (C) Reports of the arrests first surfaced the morning of February 8 on the MB’s English-language website Ikhwanweb. The following day (February 9) Ikhwanweb published an MB statement condemning the arrests. In the statement the group said it believed the arrests were linked to MB support for “the resistance of the besieged people of Gaza” and are intended to “undermine participation by the group ahead of the legislative elections later this year.” The MB also affirmed that despite the arrests it will continue on its “missionary course” and the “path (it has) chosen for attaining the country’s welfare” through “peaceful reformist methods despite…restrictions paced to liberties.” MB members were reportedly present in large numbers outside the offices of the Public Prosecutor on Tuesday February 9. The group also staged a small protest in Suez against the ongoing detention of other MB members despite the end of their court-ordered detention period.

MB Arrests as a Pre-emptive Political Strike

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¶8. (C) MB lawyer Abdel Menem Abdel Maqsoud told the independent daily El Shorouk that he believed the GOE targeted MB “organizational leaders” like former MB Secretary General and now Deputy Guide Mahmoud Ezzat to hamper preparations for the Shura Council elections in June 2010 and the People’s Assembly elections in November 2010. He added that the level of the arrests sent the message that no one was immune. Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies analyst Amr El Choubaki called the arrests a “pre-emptive strike to foil” MB election preparations.

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Prospects for MB Participation in a National Coalition
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¶9. (C) According to political commentator, University Professor, and head of the “Coalition Against Succession” Hassan Nafaa, the arrests also were part of an effort to stop any potential coordination between the MB and other opposition political groups in the lead-up to the elections. Before the arrests, Democratic Front Party XXXXXXXXXXXX confirmed to PolOff press reports that he and others were working with various political movements, including the MB, to form a unified national coalition under the banner of a “Conference for All Egyptians.” XXXXXXXXXXXX was surprised the intended conference had surfaced in the media after he and fellow organizer, XXXXXXXXXXXX, had taken pains to “quietly plan” for months. XXXXXXXXXXXX confirmed the MB would be part of the effort. Reporting on plans for an “All Egyptians” conference was included in press articles covering a February 3 event held by the Press Syndicate’s Freedom Committee (headed by known MB member Mohamed Abdel Quddous) entitled the “Future of Egypt.” At the conference, which included among others an NDP MP and Harb, the now arrested Essam El Eryan reportedly told the group that the MB was willing to “make compromises for the sake of having a national coalition” to pursue “comprehensive reform.”


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