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Published: October 22, 2009; Will Turkey Lead a Revived Islamic Empire?

By Joel Richardson,

Adnan Oktar's Vision of a Turkish-led Islamic Union

In 2005, the National Intelligence Council, or NIC, produced a report called, “Mapping the Global Future: Project 2020.” According to this report, within the next several years, we may expect to see the emergence of a fledgling caliphate, or revived Islamic empire. [Their new project is called, “Global Trend 2025.” According to this report “…Over the next 15 years, Turkey’s most likely course involves a blending of Islamic and nationalist strains, which could serve as a model for other rapidly modernizing countries in the Middle East.” And about the nuclear weapons program “…The prospect that nuclear weapons will embolden Iran, lead to greater instability, and trigger shifts in the balance of power in the Middle East appears to be the key concern of the Arab states in the region and may drive some to consider acquiring their own nuclear deterrent. Iran’s growing nuclear capabilities are already partly responsible for the surge of interest in nuclear energy in the Middle East, fueling concern about the potential for a nuclear arms race. Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Libya are or have expressed interest in building new nuclear power facilities. Future Iranian demonstrations of its nuclear capabilities that reinforce perceptions of its intent and ability to develop nuclear weapons potentially would prompt additional states in the region to pursue their own nuclear weapons programs.”;CP]

For those unfamiliar with the NIC, below is a self-description from its website:

The NIC is a center of strategic thinking within the U.S. Government, reporting to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and providing the president and senior policymakers with analyses of foreign policy issues that have been reviewed and coordinated throughout the Intelligence Community. Our work ranges from brief analyses of current issues to “over the horizon” estimates of broader trends at work in the world.

What is interesting about the NIC’s “over the horizon” assessment is that the coming caliphate would not be built on acts of terrorism, but instead would be established through peaceful means. By claiming to provide the Middle East with stability, peace and security, the emergence of the coming caliphate will be viewed positively by much of the world. Yet the conclusion of the 2020 report states that even a limited and moderate Islamic caliphate would pose problems for the United States and her global interests of immense proportions.

The truth is, even if al-Qaida succeeded in its dream of reviving a caliphate, it would only give the U.S. military a clearly defined target. But how would the U.S. to respond if Turkey, one of our historically greatest allies in the region, emerges as an Islamist superpower? What will our relationship be with a neo-Ottoman caliphate? Now, it is doubtful of course that such a historically loaded term would ever be used. Far more likely, we will see the use of a far less threatening term, such as the title championed by Adnan Oktar, a Turkish Muslim intellectual who has been calling for a “Turkish-led Islamic Union.” Oktar, although a controversial figure, is highly respected in many circles and is the most published author in the Islamic world, with over 65 million of his works in circulation. I recently travelled to Istanbul to speak with Mr. Oktar about his vision for a Turkish-led Islamic Union. According to Oktar, the revival of a Turkish led-Islamic empire will be the defining development that will bring peace not only to the Middle East, but to the world:

We should not take Mr. Oktar’s vision lightly. For the past several years, I have been highlighting the merging of two very significant developments in the nation of Turkey – the first issue being the rapid Islamization of the nation. Much has been written concerning this development in recent months. But the second issue, perhaps of even greater significance, is Turkey’s re-emergence as leader of the region. For over 500 years, the Turkish Ottomans ruled the Middle East, and in the years to come, they will arise once again as a regional superpower. And much of the world will welcome this as a positive development.

I also believe that a Turkish-led Islamic empire is clearly prophesied in the Bible. In my book “The Islamic Antichrist” (which was originally written in 2004), I walk through the biblical basis for such a claim. Five years later, despite Turkey’s rapid ascension in the region and in the world, some still look with skepticism on such claims. Of course, time will either confirm or put to rest this idea. But for now, I want to bring to light some important voices that are confirming my predictions.

George Friedman is the CEO and founder of STRATFOR, the world’s leading private intelligence and forecasting company. In his recent book, “The Next 100 Years,” Friedman agrees in no uncertain terms that Turkey will soon emerge as a regional superpower: “[Turkey will] soon re-emerge in its old role, as the dominant force in the region.” Speaking specifically of Turkey’s coming leadership of a revived caliphate, Friedman makes the following very powerful observation and prediction:

The Islamic World is incapable of uniting voluntarily. It is, however, capable of being dominated by a Muslim power. Throughout history, Turkey has been the Muslim power most often able to create an empire out of … the Islamic world. …

According to Friedman, the past 80 or so years that Turkey has only controlled Asia Minor has been an anomaly. Soon we will see “Turkish power – the Ottoman Empire … begin to re-emerge.”

In recent times, the world has been shocked to see Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan reveal his true feelings toward Israel. In a fit or rage, in Davos, Switzerland, Erdogan shouted at the Israeli president: “You are old and your voice is loud out of a guilty conscience. When it comes to killing, you know very well how to kill! I know well how you hit and kill children on beaches!” This is the same Erdogan who actually spent time in jail for the writing the following overtly radical poem:

[The] Mosques are our barracks, [the] domes our helmets, [the] minarets our bayonets, [the] believers our soldiers. This holy army guards my religion. Almighty our journey is our destiny, the end is martyrdom.

This was not written by Osmam bin Laden. It was written by a man who is being taken seriously by much the world as one of the co-founders of the United Nations “Alliance of Civilizations,” an intercultural dialogue, the purpose of which is to “overcome … prejudice, misperceptions and polarization that militate against [unity between the East and the West]. … The Alliance seeks to … establish a paradigm of mutual respect between civilizations and cultures.”

Despite Erdogan’s obvious bias, as well as his anti-Semitic streak and history of radicalism, many, including our own president, still view him as an honest broker and mediator between Israel and the Middle East. And Obama is not alone. In February of this year, the famous Orthodox Rabbi Menachem Fromen made the following statements in the Turkish Press:

It is an irrefutable fact that Turkey is the most natural mediator between Israel and Palestinian society. Turkish President Abdullah Gül and Prime Minister Erdoğan are the only two who can bring regional peace about.

Rabbi Fromen has also expressed his strong support for Mr. Oktar’s vision of the Turkish-led Islamic Union.

And recently another very significant event took place that entirely escaped notice in the Western press. During a visit to Istanbul, Iranian President Ahmadinejad stood inside the Sultanahmet Mosque and prayed behind a Turkish Sunni imam. Ahmadinejad then stated, “The political meaning of this act is immense.” Many within Turkey and the broader Islamic world took notice. According to Oktar, this was a sign that Ahmadinejad and the Iranian government are supporting the emerging Turkish-led Islamic Union. In an interview with the Iranian Press, Mr. Oktar said:

This act of Mr. Ahmadinejad, performing his prayers behind a Sunni imam, is very, very meaningful. Above all it means “if a Turkish-Islamic Union is to be formed, I will abide a Sunni imam, I will accept him as an imam.” … This is what it means. … I mean it has a highly important significance.

So, has Iran truly expressed its support of Turkey’s emerging regional power? Will more gullible Israelis believe as Rabbi Fromen does, that Turkey and Prime Minister Erdogan represent the only hope for the Middle East? Will STRATFOR and the NIC’s vision of a revived Turkish Empire come to pass? Again, only time will tell. Next month, Prime Minister Erdogan will travel to Washington to meet with President Obama. As always, I’ll be paying very close attention.

Understand the significance of the Muslim’s Mahdi ‘messiah’ in Joel Richardson’s new book, “The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast.”

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4 Comments to “Will Turkey Lead a Revived Islamic Empire?”

  1. Will Turkey Lead a Revived Islamic Empire? #islam #israel #islamism

  2. avatar Rem Nant says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: Will Turkey Lead a Revived Islamic Empire? #islam #israel #islamism

  3. avatar tekhelet says:

    RT @RantsbyRemnant: RT @CrethiPlethi: Will Turkey Lead a Revived Islamic Empire? #islam #israel #islamism

  4. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: Will Turkey Lead a Revived Islamic Empire? #islam #israel #islamism


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