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Fri, June 11, 2010 | Jerusalem Post | By Gil Hoffman

Why we root for US, Holland, Denmark

The soccer’s World Cup tournament 2010 in South Africa began this friday with a draw (1-1) in the opening match between the national teams of South Africa and Mexico. In a semi-satirical overview, Gil Hoffman, writes about which World Cup teams Israelis can root against or whom to cheer.

Israelis are known as rabid soccer fans, even though the country’s national team has only made the tournament once – in 1970 – and even then scored only one goal.

First of all, in this semi-satirical overview, the good news: The Turks, whose Islamic fundamentalist wannabe martyrs tried to kill Israeli soldiers aboard the Mavi Marmara last Monday, did not make the tournament. The sanctimonious Swedes and Norwegians thankfully won’t be there, either.

Let’s start with the teams that no self-respecting Israeli can support:

Brazil, in cooperation with the Turks, initiated a proposal that could have facilitated the nuclearization of Iran, voted with the Turks against Wednesday’s UN sanctions, and recently treated visiting Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad like a king.

Five Israelis were attacked in Madrid on Monday, and Israeli gays were told to stay away from the city’s gay pride parade. So, no support for Spain.

South Korea downgraded this week’s visit to the country by President Shimon Peres, and the protests against him were particularly nasty – so it’s out, too.

Israelis won’t be cheering for North Korea, which built a Syrian nuclear facility, or Algeria, for obvious reasons. Germany remains Iran’s largest-trading partner, and a massive 20-billion-euro Swiss gas deal with Iran should prevent Israelis from backing Switzerland, which hosts the notoriously anti-Israel UN Human Rights Council.

There are many reasons not to root for England; from its attempt to prosecute opposition leader Tzipi Livni, its deputy prime minister’s support for banning weapons sales to Israel, it being the home of Israel boycotter Elvis Costello, and its recent expulsion of a Mossad official due to his alleged role in facilitating the use of British passports to kill a mega-terrorist.

Australia also expelled a Mossad official for the same reason. Nearby New Zealand suspended high-level relations with Israel after the Mossad allegedly misused its passports in 2004, and last month outlawed kosher ritual slaughtering of animals.

Honduras has a large Palestinian population. Paraguay sheltered many Nazis, including Joseph Mengele, after the Holocaust. The Ivory Coast is 60% Muslim.

France, Japan, Portugal and Greece are known for outbreaks of anti-Semitism, and – a genuine soccer-related grievance – the Greek team finished ahead of Israel’s in their qualifying group, ending Israel’s World Cup hopes. Some Israelis will never forgive the Uruguayan team for defeating Israel’s World Cup team 40 years ago.

In the aftermath of the flotilla raid, South Africa recalled its ambassador to Israel for consultations, so any Israeli who considered backing the home team of Human Rights Council Gaza report author Richard Goldstone will hold back.

Besides South Africa, World Cup countries that voted for the council’s decision to authorize a probe of the raid included Argentina (whose coach Diego Maradona has made anti-Israel statements), Brazil, Chile, Ghana, Mexico, Nigeria, Slovenia and Uruguay, so Israelis cannot support their teams, either.

But the real test of friendship with Israel was the Human Rights Council’s vote to endorse the Goldstone commission report. Six of those same countries voted against Israel, with Mexico, Slovenia and Uruguay abstaining, along with World Cup teams Cameroon, Japan and South Korea. France and the UK declined to vote. Slovakia voted against the Goldstone report, but abstained on the flotilla vote.

The only World Cup countries that voted in Israel’s favor on both key issues were the United States, Italy and the Netherlands.

The Dutch government elected this week is expected to be more pro-Israel than its predecessor, just like the Italian government is.

But Italian president Silvio Berlusconi compared Gazans to Holocaust victims on a recent trip to Ramallah.

So that leaves the United States and the Netherlands, and Denmark and Serbia, which are not on the council and protected their Jews during the Holocaust, as possible countries to support. Given Serbia’s dubious human rights record and ties to Iran, that leaves just three:

The United States, the Netherlands and Denmark.

Soccer World Cup 2010 Stadiums, South Africa

32 Comments to “World Cup Teams Israelis Can Support”

  1. World Cup Teams Israelis Can Support #israel #worldcup

  2. avatar Elisabeth says:

    RT @CrethiPlethi: World Cup Teams Israelis Can Support #israel #worldcup

  3. avatar passer-by says:

    This is the most racist post I have ever come across.
    “Honduras has a large Palestinian population.”
    “The Ivory Coast is 60% Muslim.”
    No wonder you’ve annoy the entire the world. You can’t even cheer for football like normal people, you need to involve religion and politics.

  4. You seem to miss the point made completely…

    First of all, this article is a semi-satirical overview (which was mentioned in the article).

    Second of all, this article is actually about anti-semitism and Israel bashing. So, the question was, who can Israel support during the World Soccer 2010? The facts in the article, which you quote, are not racist at all, but just plain facts…

    Israeli teams are not welcome in many Islamic countries. Israeli athletes are boycotted in many tournaments. The Iran soccer team for example refuses to play a soccer match against Israel.

    So, tell me… who is the racist here.

  5. avatar A Purple Monkey says:

    Semi-satirical? What does that even mean?!! Its either satirical or its not. [comment edited…read the comment rules] Israel because 60% of its population are Jews. Dont worry, I’m only being semi-satirical.

  6. avatar A Yellow Monkey says:

    this is the most ridiculous article I’ve ever read .

    if this could mean anything, it would mean that Isreal is causing too many problems to the world …. don’t you think ???

  7. avatar Un-sanctimonius says:

    Please take heed that it is only a minority of Swedes who are sanctimonius, moronic Hamas supporters. However extensive freedom of expression laws mean that Henning Mankell, and everyone else, can, and do, say whatever they like on the matter. There are many Swedes who are friends of Israel, and will continue to expose Hamas’ and Hezbollah’s lies for what they are.

  8. avatar Palestinian says:

    This article is absolutely ridiculous, and extremely racist in nature; i don’t find it satirical at all, infact i am extremely offended.

    You are trying to tell people not to go for teams, whose countries have large muslim and palestinian populations; if you think this is not racist, then their is surely something wrong with your logical reasoning.

    It’s no wonder nobody in the world likes you………

  9. @Palestinian

    “No wonder nobody in the world likes us [jews]…”

    ah yes, of course, that’s our own fault.

    It’s our own fault that from the beginning of Islam, Jews are hated, persecuted and murdered by Muslims… (read your Quran and Hadiths)
    It’s our own fault that the Jihad, waged by Muslims against all other religions (Judaïsm, Christendom, Hinduism, etc.), scourged the world to this very day…
    It’s our own fault that the Jews were expelled from their homeland in the year 70 AD and in 135 AD…
    It’s our own fault that when Jews were returning to their lands, they had to face constant hostilities and progroms from arab muslim neighbours…
    It’s our own fault that the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini mixed Nazi propaganda and Islam and supported Hitler and the Endlösung…
    It’s our own fault that after Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948, 5 Arab muslim states attacked Israel…
    It’s our own fault that the Palestine Liberation Organization choose the path of terrorism…
    It’s our own fault that Hamas is a genocidal, Islamist, antisemitic, extremist and terrorist regime who wants to destroy Israel…

    It’s all our fault.

    Well, let me help you with your logical reasoning… It’s because of history that we don’t want to support world cup soccer teams from countries who are against Israel, who are antisemitic, or who are biased in their anti-Israel media propaganda… and hey, what a surprise, many Muslims and Palestinians don’t cheer for Israel’s soccer team either… in fact, most Arab Muslim regimes even boycott Israeli athletes and teams…

    But, you’re right, it’s all our fault that nobody likes us.

    [By the way, this comment was satirical… but I don’t think you will find this comment satirical at all]

  10. avatar Palestinian says:

    When you start talking about groups like the PLO and Hamas being anti-semitic, one has to look back at history, to see why this may be.

    Israelis are the one’s who first invaded the nation of Palestine, kicking people out of their homes, and making them refugees in other neighbouring arab nations, namely jordan, syria, and lebanon.

    How do you expect these same people to not have anger towards you?

    Like you say these Palestinian groups are anti-semitic, i would say that every Israeli, specifically the Israeli government, is anti-palestinian.

    How do you explain the horrendous war crimes of Sabra and Shatilla?

    How do you justify the murders of thousands of innocent civillians in gaza?

    How do you restrict people from the necessities of life which they as humans, are naturally entitled to?

    Before you start to talk about what arabs have done to Israelis throughout history, please think about the factors which overtime have led them to take such actions, specifically the 1948 Israeli invasion into Palestinian lands.

    I writ this to you, knowing that you will surely not have any interest in anything i may say; i do this however, to please my own self-conscience, because i know that being an Israeli, your arrogance will get in the way of you being able to open-mindedly think about what Israelis have really done to Arabs in the first place.

  11. @Palestinian

    You use the same argument again…

    Your argument: It’s the Israelis own fault that the PLO and Hamas (and many Palestinians) are antisemitic, because the Jews invaded Palestine.

    Historically, it’s not correct that the Jews invaded Palestine. Because 3000 years ago there was already a Jewish nation in Israel with Jerusalem as its capital and David (a Jew) as King. Since than many armies and Kingdoms have invaded the Jewish lands, but there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel.
    So, the return of the Jewish people was a return to land that was rightfully theirs.

    There was never a Palestine State with Jerusalem as its capital.

    When the War of Independence broke out in 1948, the Jews didn’t want the arabs living in Palestine to leave, but many did… encouraged by the 5 attacking Arab states.
    The main reason for the hatred and antisemitism among muslim arabs against Jews is not the War of Independence in 1948, but the historical hatred and persecution from the beginning of Islam and the contemporary incitement from radical elements within Islam and Palestinian extremists (such as the former PLO and now Hamas).

    Every war crime is horrendous and wrong. Also the Sabra and Shatilla massacre (committed by the Kataeb Party, a Christian Lebanese Forces militia group). You do know what war crimes the PLO committed while turning Lebanon into a battlefield after being kicked out of Jordan in 1970-71, do you?

    The people of Gaza have nothing to fear from Israel. It’s Hamas who is Islamizing Gaza and are restricting the individual freedoms of the Gazans. It was Hamas who took Gaza by force in july 2007 after a bloody and cruel battle with Fatah forces (their so-called Arab-Palestinian Muslim brothers). It’s Hamas who are using the Gaza Strip for their campaign of hatred against Israel and launching thousands of rockets at Israeli civilian targets. It’s Hamas who are using the Gazans as human shields for their own Islamic, genocidal and extremist goals.

    There can only be peace if both parties are willing to make peace. Israel is willing to make peace. They made peace with Egypt and Jordan as soon as they expressed also their willingness to make peace. The Palestinians can have peace as soon as they recognize Israel and express the willingness to live in peace next to a Jewish State. They can have Gaza and the West Bank, but not if they don’t want to negotiate a serious peace agreement.

    But as long as the Palestinian incitement against Israel continues, as long as Hamas is training suicide bombers, as long as Iran and Hizballah are threatening Israel, as long as Islamists are calling for Jihad against Israel and the West… there will be no peace.

    [But of course, that’s our fault…]

  12. avatar TheLight says:

    lool.. I can’t believe that Israelis think that it’s OK to invade Palestine and kill Palestinians because some 3000 year old ancestors used to live there. Do you hear yourself?? Can you read what you write?? 3,000 years ago?? You think it’s OK to kill all those people cause 3000 years ago jews used to live in this area? OMG! this is really sickening!

  13. avatar Palestinian says:

    There really is no point trying to waste my time debating the issue with you, because you will keep going back to the silly point that jews were in Palestine over 3000 years ago; even if this may be true, this does not give them the right to kill innocent Palestinians.

    Is it justifiable to kill over 2000 people in the war on Gaza, because Hamas may have launched a few rockets which at most, injured a couple of Israelis?

    What is Israel’s peace solution? Day after day, Israel continues to demolish Palestinian lands, and build additional Israeli settlements. How can Hamas possibly negotiate with such people? Israel leaves no other means for Gazans to negotiate, but to react physically.

    The fact of the matter is that jews invaded Palestine in 1948, because they had no other place to go to. THERE IS NO SOLUTION BUT FOR THE LAND OF PALESTINE TO BE HANDED OVER TO THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE (MANY OF WHOM HAVE BEEN FORCED TO SEEK REFUGE IN OTHER COUNTRIES).

    Isn’t it ironic that because jews had no homeland, they invaded Palestine, and now, many Palestinian people have lost their land, and have been forced to find a new homeland….

  14. avatar Enice says:

    @Crethi Plethi,

    “It’s our own fault that from the beginning of Islam, Jews are hated, prosecuted and murdered by Muslims… (read your Quran and Hadiths)”

    What do you know. History being changed by another Jew. Didnt the Jews follow the Muslims for protection against the Crusaders?????? Wasnt peace treaties made with Jews and then broken by jews???

    Although Zionist are really good at changing historical facts with flat out lies. Its all catching up to the Zionist regime which most of the population are against. They are the biggest terrorist in the world today and soon the world population will have enough of it, God Willing.

    Peace for humanity

  15. @Palestinian

    It is justifiable for Israel to defend its citizens and borders against the hatred, extremism and terrorism of groups like Hamas (by the way, not a few, but thousands of rockets were launched by terror groups from the Gaza Strip at Israeli civilian areas before the start of the Gaza War, and even today these rocket attacks continue). Just as the Turks defend their country against the Kurdish PKK, so is Israel defending their borders against Islamic terrorists. Turkish forces have been clashing with the PKK for 26 years now in battles which have so far cost the lives of 40,000 people (mostly Kurds). This number is about ten times the number of people killed in the conflict between Israel and Arab terrorists in Gaza since 1967. Do I hear you (or the world, or the UN) about the rights of the Kurds? Do you think it’s a silly point that the Kurds have the right for a National Home? Do you think it’s a silly point as well that the Kurds were already living in Turkey before the Turks migrated to Minor Asia?

    The British Mandate (1922) provided a solution for both parties: the smallest part (23%) for a Jewish National Home, and the largest part (77%) for an Arab state, under the rule of the Hashemite family from Hijaz. In all the land of the Mandate east of the Jordan River it was “No Jews Allowed”, but Arabs could live in peace in the Jewish National Homeland. But the British eventually restricted Jewish immigration and gradually adopted policies that were more and more pro-Arab.
    The Arabs didn’t accept the Jews from the beginning, as it was from the start with Islam. Who gave peace a change?

    In 1947, the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was adopted by the UN General Assembly. The resolution recommended the partition of Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab, with the Jerusalem-Bethlehem area being under special international protection. The resolution also contained a plan for an economic union between the proposed states, and a plan for the protection of religious and minority rights. The resolution sought to address the conflicting objectives and claims to the Mandate territory of two competing nationalist movements, Zionism (Jewish nationalism) and Arab nationalism, as well as to resolve the plight of Jews displaced as a result of the Holocaust. The proposed plan was accepted by the leaders of the Jewish community in Palestine. The plan was rejected by leaders of the Arab community, supported in their rejection by the states of the Arab League. Who gave peace a change?

    Again, the Jews did not invade Palestine. They were given the right to live in their Jewish National Home, based on International Agreements and with the support of the UN.

    If you think it’s a waste of your time debating this issue, why do you debate? I don’t think it’s a waste of time, because it shows how opinions are shaped. I think the key element in your comment is that you see no other solution “but for the Land of Palestine to be handed over to the Palestinian Arabs.”
    You’re denying Israel the Right to Exist. That’s your key motive for your comments and your opinions expressed in your comments.

  16. @Enice

    “What happened to the Jews of Medina?” You can download it at our download section, for free.

    In the past centuries Jews suffered not only by the hands of Muslims, but also by the hands of Christians. And yes, there’re Muslims who have also protected Jews for being murdered (for example during the Farhud in Iraq, 1941) by other Muslims, just as many Christians have protected Jews for being murdered (for example during the Holocaust) by other so-called Christians.

    If Peace for Humanity is your Golden Rule, than you will agree this includes Jews as well. Thank you for your comment.

  17. avatar joe roman says:

    You are distorting the truth. The jews did not honor a treaty they made with the prophet Muhamad and commited treachery against their muslim neighbors. Sound familiar?

    You are a racist hiding behind so called “satire” and if you knew anything of history you would know that Jews have for over a thousand years lived under the protection of Islamic law even taking posts in Islamic governments.

  18. @Joe

    Read “What happened to the Jews of Medina?” You can download it here as well.

    I know history. I know that Jews (and Christians) are mocked, beaten, raped and murdered for over 1400 years now under Islam and Islamic law. Like I wrote earlier, there’ve been situations where Jews were protected by Muslims and I salute them for their good deeds. But fact is that Jews and Christians under Islamic Law are considered dhimmis subjected to dictatorial deprivation of their legal rights since they will be non-Muslims permanent resident in a Muslim state. That’s what history has taught us. That’s what Shari’a law is telling us.

    And also today we see this as well or do you think that for example the Copts in Egypt, the Christian-Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the Christian minority in Pakistan or the Jews in Iran agree with you on religious and individual freedom under Islamic law?

  19. avatar Luay says:

    A nation of hate deserves to be hated… what else do you expect…..

    You can’t buy respect, you earn it and so far the state of Israel is working pretty well on its own demise… All I can say , time for Israel to disappear as quick as it appeared….

  20. avatar Soccer Fan says:

    Israel has brought the hate of the world upon itself, through their vicious and murderous efforts to eliminate the Palestinian population. Their countless violations of UN security council resolutions, their use of chemical weapons (white phosporus bombs) against civilians, literally burning the skin off of children, their massacre of Gaza in 2009 leaving hundreds upon hundreds of women and children blown to pieces, their invasion of Lebanon in 2006 where thousands of innocent civilians who had absolutely nothing to do with any Israeli conflict, where brutally murdered.

    Israel destroyed the entire infrastructure of Lebanon, destroying water facilities, gas stations, airports, bridges, schools, and hospitals. Israel continues to impose an illegal blockade over the occupied territories, refusing to let in any humanitarian aid to an area labeled as having the worst poverty in the world, an open-air prison. Israeli soldiers kill children walking to school, a bullet through the head, yet after a “thorough investigation” is carried out, no soldiers are ever prosecuted. It’s no wonder why so many conscious Israeli citizens REFUSE TO SERVE in the Israeli military, seeing as how they are aware of the atrocities of their own government.

    Yet, the majority of Israelis sit here and cry about the fact that citizens of almost every nation on Earth despise Israel. And they wonder why? As was stated above, a nation built on murder and fueled with hate, deserves to be hated. There is no conspiracy here. It’s not just a Muslim thing either. The majority of citizens from all countries feel the same way about this terrorist state. Even with a massive propaganda machine on television and internet foot soldiers who try to sway public opinion in their favor, anyone with an ounce of love for humanity can see what Israel stands for. The world is not blind.

    So please, spare me the whining. If you want to know why the world hates you, take a look in the mirror, and stare into your own eyes. You’ll find your answers.

  21. @soccer fan

    You don’t mention that it’s not Israel who wants to invade Lebanon or Gaza, but are compelled to do so in an effort to stop the rocket attacks from Hizballah on Northern Israel and from Hamas on civilian areas in Israel’s south. It’s terrorist entities like Hizballah and Hamas who are using their own people and civilian infrastructure (school, hospitals, etc.) for their military build-up and their murderous antisemitic attacks on Israel. You cannot expect that Israel just sits by and do nothing. Just as the U.S. is fighting a war on terror in Afghanistan with thousands of civilian casualties (do you or the UN complain about that?), just as Turkey is fighting against the Kurdish PKK…

    It’s well known that the UN is a biased anti-Israel organization. It’s documented by many NGO’s how the UN uses a double standard when it comes to Israel and human rights violations. The UN is dominated by more than 50 Muslim countries. Can you explain why the UN Security Council and the Human Rights Council are quick in voting for Resolutions against Israel, but not against atrocities and human rights abuses in countries like Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Iran or China? Well, I can.

    While many Palestinians live in undesirable conditions in Gaza, it is a direct result of their Islamic terrorist leadership. And maybe you can start comparing Gaza to a Cairo slum like Imbaba, and Ramallah to an Arab capital like Damascus, the same poverty. How come?

    Did you know that Gaza’s infant mortality rate is much better than most of the countries in the region?
    Morocco -36.88 deaths per 1,000 live births
    Iran (Islamic Republic of) – 35.78 deaths per 1,000 live births
    Egypt – 27.26 deaths per 1,000 live births
    Syrian Arab Republic – 25.87 deaths per 1,000 live births
    Turkey – 25.78 deaths per 1,000 live births
    Lebanon – 21.82 deaths per 1,000 live births
    Libyan Arab Jamahiriya – 21.05 deaths per 1,000 live births
    Gaza – 18.35 deaths per 1,000 live births
    Jordan – 14.97 deaths per 1,000 live births

    This does not prove that there are no health problems in Gaza. But it does prove that on a key measure of public health, Gaza is better off than most surrounding Arab and Muslim countries. (data from the 2010 CIA World Factbook)

    But I can agree with you on one thing: “it’s not just a Muslim thing….” No, you’re right. It’s just plain hatred and anti-Semitism that was already present when Israel didn’t even exist. That’s why all the progroms happened in the past. That’s why the Holocaust happened. Before Israel existed. So, you’re absolutely right, it’s a world thing.

  22. avatar Soccer Fan says:

    Ah, the age-old cries of anti-semitism never get old. You people say it so much, it’s literally lost all meaning. The boy who cried wolf, anyone? Are Jewish people who oppose Israel also anti-semites? Is Haneen Zoabi an anti-semite for speaking out against Israel’s actions aboard the Flotilla? Quit making the correlation that if one opposes Israel, he hates Jews. Just another Zionist propaganda tool aimed at shutting down any and all criticism of the terrorist “state” of Israel.

    And I like how you throw numbers out there to justify the horrible situation in Gaza. I don’t see how that disproves anything I said about Israel murdering women and children, not even speaking to the fact that there’s no way to verify your facts, since information is so scarcely let out of Gaza, controlled by the Israeli government. You honestly believe Israel would let the world know the truth? That’s laughable!

    You argue that the UN is biased. The only reason you do that is because the UN speaks the truth when it comes to Israel. Like I said, any justifiable criticism of Israel is shot down by Zionists. In your world, Israel is NEVER wrong. The Goldstone report was shot down because Israel was appalled that anyone can speak so ill of them. So now, I guess Richard Goldstone, a Jewish man, is an anti-semite as well? You people are seriously ridiculous. It’s comical until the reality sets in that your nation loves to kill.

    You see, I do agree that Hamas has done many bad things. But you will never agree the same about Israel. Deflection, deflection, deflection—that’s the name of your game. Take some responsibility for your government’s crimes. Israel is not a beacon of love and peace, only in your jaded world. Israeli politicians are terrorists, murderous thugs. Their justification for any crimes is that they are God’s “chosen people”. Israel is a nation that is filled with hate, bathing in blood. You’re own heart is so hardened that you can’t even address a fact as simple as Israel’s use of white phosphorus chemical weapons against women and children (even with video proof, physical proof, and statements by the Israeli governement).

    The sad thing is that people like you demean the memory of the victims of the Holocaust by engaging in crimes that would make Hitler proud. I guess that make YOU the true anti-semite.

    And you can save your breath. It’s obvious that your thick Zionist head is incapable of understanding simple logic. By the way, what the hell does “semi-satirical” mean anyway? It either is or it isn’t! Don’t be a coward, stand behind your words without squirming away. You are a racist, and hate Muslims. Your article is a joke and I’m dumber for reading it. Thanks for that. Peace.

  23. avatar Jimmy says:

    The Conclusion of this article is that ALL the World hate Israel except 3 countries!
    Nice News :)

  24. @Soccer Fan

    Please read “Response to the Goldstone Report” and “Case against Goldstone.” You can download it here as well. As many lawyers already have expressed: the Goldstone Report is poorly conducted and it wouldn’t stand in any court as justifiable proof that Israel committed war crimes during Operation Cast Lead. But read the reports I mentioned above, lawyers can tell it in a better way… I’m not an expert. Richard Goldstone was an apartheid judge in South Africa and sent (at least 28) black people to the gallows and black people to the whipping posts and black people to other indescribable humiliations. If Goldstone wants to come clean with his own past, he shouldn’t twist the truth about Israel but admit his own faults.

    Why can’t jews who oppose Israel be anti-Semites or anti-Zionists? Why can’t they be biased as well? Don’t you know that even in Nazi Germany, Jews fought in Hitler’s Waffen-SS? Why can’t Haneen Zoabi be an anti-Semite or anti-Zionist? She is against Israel, isn’t she? Don’t you know that there’re also Palestinians cooperating with Israel Security Forces and giving information about Palestinian extremism? Do you consider these Palestinians traitors (as Hamas does) or are these Palestinians aware of the dangers of a genocidal, Islamic, extremists Hamas Government and doing something about it.

    You know that the U.S. led coalition forces have killed at least 10,172 – 12,969 Afghan civilians (based on the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan; direct deaths from coalition actions) in the war on terror. These numbers are not to justify any situation or any war in Gaza or West Bank, but it proves the double standards used by the UN (and the world) when it comes to condemning Israel. And if the UN is telling the truth about Israel, as you claim, why don’t they tell the truth about atrocities and human rights abuses in Iran, China, Pakistan, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, etc, etc…?

    I think that overseeing this whole discussion it’s clear that we present well based arguments, facts and numbers, but it seems a fruitless exercise. We don’t hate Muslims or Arabs. As soon as Hamas and Hizballah stops with extremism against Israel and negotiate a peace agreement, there’ll be peace. As soon as Syria negotiates peace, they will have Golan in return and have peace. As soon as Hamas releases Gilad Shalit and denounces terrorism, there’ll be no blockade of Gaza. As soon as Islamists, jihadists and extremists stops with incitement against Israel, there will be peace in the Middle East and a Jewish and Palestinian State can live side by side in peace.

  25. avatar Palestinian says:

    You are a very deceptive person; you make blatant lies that for 1400 years, muslims have been “raping” christians and jews, where are you getting this rubbish information from?

    When you sarcastically say “who didn’t want to give peace a chance”, please let me give you another example to just highlight the palestinian cause: if i came to your house and started abusing you physically, and then decided to kick you out completely, how would you feel? Would you be happy to ‘negotiate’ a so-called peace solution? I DON’T THINK SO………….this is exactly what the jews done with Palestinians, and now you’re saying that we should accept some shady peace deal with THE BEST BACKSTABBERS IN THE WORLD.

  26. @Palestinian

    I think you need to educate yourself. You can start with using google…

    I can give you numerous examples: You don’t know about the invading Arab muslim armies raping and murdering women in ancient christian cities and tribes in the Middle East and North Africa just after the beginning of the Islam? Don’t you know about the Jews of Medina around 624-627 AD?
    You don’t also know about christian pilgrims to the holy land being raped and murdered by muslims in 800-1050 AD? What about the Muslim corsairs who raided the coasts of Europe, raping women and enslaving an estimated 800,000 to 1.25 million Europeans (1000-1800 AD)? Do you know about the Muslim Ottoman atrocities (including rape) in Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia in 1700-1900 AD? You don’t know about the Arab riots in 1929 in Hebron and other places where jewish women were raped and murdered? Or at least, do you know about christian girls in Egypt and Pakistan being raped by muslims nowadays to make them marry a muslim man? You can find most of these facts on wikipedia or just use google or go to your local library.

    Your claim that every Palestinian refugee is “physically abused and kicked out” of his house is not true. You have already made your point in saying that you don’t consider peace with Israel an option. But to make peace, is also to make compromises.
    You do know that the combined population of Jewish communities in the Greater Middle East (excluding Israel) was reduced from about 900,000 in 1948 to less than 8,000 today because of the anti-Israel sentiment among the Muslim population in the Muslim countries. Some of these communities were more than 2,500 years old. Between 800,000-1,000,000 Jews left their homes in Arab countries due to persecution and anti-Semitism. Israel absorbed approximately 600,000 of these Jewish refugees. I think you know that many of these Jewish refugees were forced to leave the countries and leaving behind all their possessions.

    For example the Jewish community in Egypt. Wikipedia: “In the immediate aftermath of trilateral invasion during the Suez Crisis of 1956, on November 23 by Britain France and Israel, a proclamation was issued stating that ‘all Jews are Zionists and enemies of the state’, and it promised that they would be soon expelled. Some 25,000 Jews, almost half of the Jewish community left, mainly for Europe, the United States and South America, and Israel, after being forced to sign declarations that they were leaving voluntarily, and agreed with the confiscation of their assets. Some 1,000 more Jews were imprisoned … After the 1967 war, more confiscations took place. Rami Mangoubi, who lived in Cairo at the time, states that nearly all Egyptian Jewish men between the ages of 17 and 60 were either thrown out of the country immediately, or taken to the detention centres of Abou Za’abal and Tura, where they were incarcerated and tortured for more than three years. The eventual result was the almost complete disappearance of the Jewish community in Egypt; less than a hundred or so remain today. Most Egyptian Jews fled to Israel (35,000).”

    Yet, Israel made peace with Egypt in 1979, even when the Jewish community was forced to leave their homes in Egypt and even when until today anti-Jewish feelings are high in Egypt. Peace is only possible if someone is willing to make peace, despite the differences. The Palestinians have suffered, the Jews have suffered. Let’s make peace. But as I said, it takes two to tango.

  27. avatar lebanese says:

    hehe i think you don’t must suppot holland too because they have four muslem players (khaled bellehrouz, ibrahim afilay, van persie, rayyan). you can support us and denemark,they are both outtttttttttttttttttttttt.

  28. avatar Semitic says:

    the article writer and his comments are so enlightening..Glad to hear that you admit no one likes you.

    Lebanese got it right when he said no one supports israel anymore..except US and denmark and both are out!!!

    Do you wonder why? As a semite, you (Israelis) are forcing people to be anti-semitic, with the lying, deception coupled with hate and state terrorism that you practice…For years, you have done a great job lobbying media, USA and the world, but the truth always comes out- although it may take a long time.

  29. avatar Palestinian says:

    Look where you get your facts from, where you are quoting from, “WIKIPEDIA”, what an educational source.

    Before telling me to educate myself, how about you get your facts from a credible source, not articles on wikipedia, which could be written by someone like yourself.

    How can you possibly make peace with people who time and time again have proved themselves to the world to be backstabbers?

    Why is it that Israel continues to do what it likes, as if there is no one to prosecute them for their actions.

    Like “semitic” said, it is the strong lobbying and powerful jewish people in the United States which have until now tried to cover all of Israel’s horrendous crimes and attrocities against not only Palestinians, but also Westerners (such as those who were recently aboard the flotilla, in which nearly 20 people lost their life). However, a criminal cannot keep on going forever, there will have to come a time where they will be caught. And hopefully this time is beginning to near; it only takes a person a couple of minutes to watch the video of the Israelis boarding the flotilla and shooting at people to realise who are the real perpetrators in this war.

    In terms of the flotilla, what did the Israeli foreign minister say: “Israeli soldiers were attacked with rocks and kitchen knives”. I am sure you don’t really think much into this, but to me, and to everyone else who thinks about this logically, this sounds absolutely ridiculous. Why were Israeli soldiers on the boat in the first place? Why did they shoot at people when they were just carrying food and medical supplies? Who are the true perpetrators? How can Palestinians make peace with you?

    What do you think the reaction of the western world would have been if one israeli soldier was killed on that flotilla….do you not see why Israel’s crimes have been covered up and polished over these years, its simply through the jewish dominance over corporate america. Why is it that when Turks and Palestinians were killed on the boat, nobody even mentioned them?


  30. avatar Palestinian says:

    Sentiment against jewish communities only began following the israeli invasion of Palestine in 1948; you yourself acknowledge this……is this not expected; when you kick Palestinians out of their homes, and chuck them onto the streets to rot, do you expect of bordering arab countries to simply accept this?

  31. @Palestinian

    I apologize for misjudging you. I mentioned Wikipedia, because it’s a quick source of information. There’re however numerous other sources on the internet available (like universities and NGO’s) where you can get your information. You can actually find some of them on this site. Also, a lot of our articles, opinions and background information are written by professors and lecturers. Just browse this site and judge for yourself if our sources are credible. I think you could figure that out yourself, it makes me wonder if you are willing to an honest debate, instead of trying to make us look ridiculous.

    And again I notice that you use emotional arguments rather than turning to real facts. You sound angry, but you don’t have your information correct. Where did you get the figure of 20 dead on board the Flotilla? Actually, there were 9 deaths. But aside the number, we feel sorry for these 9 to have died on board the Mavi Marmara. It was unnessesary, because “peace activists” usually are… PEACE ACTIVISTS. So, actually they weren’t peace activists at all, but militants with a mission: attacking IDF soldiers and getting as much publicity out of it as possible.

    Before I start explaining all there’s to know about why the IDF soldiers boarded the Flotilla and why it’s considered self-defense when someone attacks you with a “kitchen knive” as you described it, please start reading this website. If you click on “the Gaza Flotilla” categorie, you’ll find 96 articles about this incident. There you can read all about the legality of a naval blockade, about what a country may and may not do when boarding a vessel, etc, etc….

    You keep reminding us that a peace solution is not possible. You say that you cannot forget that your ancestors are killed by Israelis. Well, that’s my point, in 1947 your ancestors didn’t want peace and rejected the UN Partition Plan for Palestine, what followed was the 1948 War of Independence. Before that, in 1922, the British Mandate with a Jewish homeland and a Transjordanian Palestinian state was also not accepted, what followed was the anti-Jewish Riots in Israel late 20’s. Maybe all the bloodshed between Israel and Arabs wouldn’t have happened when your ancestors accepted a peace agreement under the British Mandate or the UN Partition Plan in the first place.

    A lot of Arabs choose for peace. Egypt did, Jordan did… they have peace now with Israel. This can happen between Israelis and Palestinians as well. But you must want peace first to get peace.


Quotes and Sayings

About the Region, Islam and cultural totalitarianism...

    The idea that Zionism is essentially racist is only consistent with the view that all nationalism is a form of racism. In that case all states that claimed to be based on nationalism would need to be removed as well.

    — John Strawson, “Why I am against the AUT Israel Boycott of Israeli Universities” in Engage (18 May 2005)

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